Devdhar Patel

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at BINDS Lab in the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS). I am advised by Prof. Hava Siegelmann. The goal of my research is to bridge the gap between Artificial and Human Intelligence. Toward this goal, I am currently working on developing time-aware machine intelligence and understanding the benefits of time-awareness in control. I believe that agency is a fundamental aspect of general intelligence, which drives much of my research.
CV: download
I will be holding public office hours this semester (Spring 2025) to help anyone with python programming. See office hours section above!
Apr 2025: Two papers accepted at ICLR 2025! "Overcoming Slow Decision Frequencies in Continuous Control: Model-Based Sequence Reinforcement Learning for Model-Free Control" and "Optimizing Neural Network Representations of Boolean Networks"
Mar 2025: Sequence Reinforcement Learning has been shortlisted for a contributed talk at the AAAI-25 PRL workshop
Mar 2025: Our work on Sequence Reinforcement Learning has been accepted to two AAAI-25 workshops: PRL and GenPlan
Jan 2025: I will be teaching COMPSCI 119: Intro to Programming for the Spring 2025 semester
Dec 2024: I will be mentoring as a part of the Undergraduate Research Volunteer (URV) winter program